Neighbors In Christ Parish


God calls us to mission and ministry in our rural communities and to the world.  Gathered in faith and nurtured by Word and Sacrament, we commit ourselves to share a hope for the future, to use our resources and talents guided by the Holy Spirit, and to work together to expand our ministry to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ.


Neighbors In Christ (NIC) is a 3 point parish formed in 2011.  The parish congregations include Augustana Lutheran Church in Gibbon, First Lutheran Church in Winthrop and St. John's Lutheran in Bismarck Township.   Each church maintains its own identity, working together serving God on special projects and sharing a pastor. 

  • Important Dates:
    • Neighbors In Christ 3 Point Parish - Established in 2011
    • Augustana Lutheran Church, Gibbon - Established in 1899
    • First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winthrop - Nee Swedish Lutheran, Established in 1884
    • St. John's Lutheran, Bismarck Township, rural Winthrop - Established in 1873